Travis Kelce Clears The Air On ‘Pushing A Bodyguard’, Talks About Being A Self Aware And Protective Partner

Jason and Travis Kelce at the NLCS in Philadelphia

Getty Image / Gabriella Ricciardi / MLB Photos

Travis Kelce has spent the better part of his adult life ‘inside the ropes’ as a professional athlete and protected by security and mostly shielded from the fanatics. That has certainly changed since he’s started dating Taylor Swift and he was seen in New York giving a security guard a little shove over the weekend, something he clarified when speaking with brother Jason.

On the latest episode of New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce (Presented by Wave Sports + Entertainment), Travis Kelce discussed the security guard moment that went viral along with his newfound need to be a self aware person on dates and how that conflicts with his innate urge to be protective partner.

Travis Kelce Explains ‘Pushing’ A Security Guard

Jason Kelce: “Did you get any actual push back from the security guards about pushing them out of the way the one night?”

Travis Kelce: “Pushing them out of the way?”

Jason Kelce: “I mean, it’s on camera, Travis.”

Travis Kelce: “I didn’t push him. I placed my hand on the gentleman’s back to let him know I was behind him. If I would have pushed him he probably would have turned around and tased me.”

Jason Kelce: “That sounds like a way that somebody who pushed somebody would describe pushing them.”

Travis Kelce: “You’re ridiculous.” (makes jokes) “No, I didn’t one time get security to say anything about it. I’ll tell you what, they’re great. They’re great. They’re good people.”

Travis On Being Naturally Protective Of Taylor Swift

Kelce Brothers recording New Heights

New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce | Wave Sports + Entertainment

Jason Kelce: “Have you had to enact any security of your own? Do you feel like a security guard when you’re with Taylor?”

Travis Kelce: “Like I’m part of the team?”

Jason Kelce: “”Yeah, like you’re one with the rest of the guys.”

Travis Kelce: “I feel like whenever I’m on a date I’m always having the sense of like ‘I’m a man’ in the situation and I’m protective. Yeah, for sure. You always kind of have that feeling or self-awareness I guess.”

I can’t say that I fully relate with Travis Kelce. I think that instinct is something that famous people/pro athletes have. The rest of us normal folks with normal sized bodies don’t need to feel like we’re constantly on guard during dates. At least that’s been my experience for my entire life.

Later in the show, Travis discussed pulling off a lateral play:

‘I took it upon myself’ — a man who knows what he wants in life (aka Travis Kelce).