‘I Don’t See Color’ Triple H Addresses Criticism Over Lack Of Black Wrestlers On WWE PLEs

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WWE head of creative Triple H has addressed the criticism that the WWE has received for not having many black wrestlers on the roster.

On Sunday, the WWE held its Bad Blood PLE event in Atlanta.

During his press conference, Triple H was asked about the lack of black presentation among wrestler at their premium live events.

“I see everybody gets the opportunity. I don’t see the difference in anybody,” Triple H said. “I don’t see the color, I don’t see the nationality or any of that. I just see talent. I don’t see the difference between men and women, I see talent. We tell stories with those talent, how they can handle those stories and how they can represent those stories, and how we can bring those stories forward. I don’t keep track of any of that. I do what’s relevant and what is best in the storytelling and what’s being delivered the best and that’s what goes. No different than the men and women who main events whatever, whatever the biggest stories are, that’s where we go.”

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Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.