Viral Oilers Flasher Makes Stunning Admission ‘They’re Not Real’

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The viral Oilers flasher is speaking out and has made a stunning admission during a recent interview.

A few weeks ago, a female Oilers fan went viral during the Stanley Cup playoffs when she lifted her shirt and flashed the crowd while someone recorded her. The fan kept a low profile for weeks before deciding to do an interview with Barstool’s Spittin Chiclets.

“Kate’ told the Spittin Chiclets crew that she was initially able to get the original video taken down before it spread like wildfire.

During the interview, she was asked if her breasts were real, and she admitted they were not.

The woman has since gotten lucrative offers to work for several websites, but she’s turned them all down and wants to live a normal life.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.