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Are you one of those people who requires a solid eight hours of restful and uninterrupted sleep in order to function properly in life? If so there are certain jobs and careers that you should flock to and other ones that you should completely avoid if you value your beauty rest.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention carried out a study to rank which professions are best and worst for people who treasure sleep.
The CDC researchers analyzed data from currently employed adults surveyed for the 2013 and 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) in 29 states.
The CDC considered more than seven hours of sleep to be sufficient amount of shut-eye to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Less than seven hours was considered to be “short sleep duration.” The CDC discovered that 37% of working adults were not getting enough sleep.
Across 22 major occupation groups, these were the five best professions for getting a quality night’s sleep.
- Farming, Fishing and Forestry (agricultural, hunters and fishers, forestry and conservation workers)
- Education, Training and Library (librarians, teachers, archivists)
- Community and Social Services (counselors, religious workers, social workers)
- Life, Physical and Social Science (scientists and science technicians)
- Computer and Mathematical (computer specialists, mathematical science jobs)
If you are wrecked when you get less than seven hours of sleep, then you want to avoid these five fields. There are the five worst professions for getting a quality night’s sleep.
- Production (printing workers, woodworkers, plant operators)
- Healthcare Support (nursing aides; occupational and physical therapists)
- Healthcare Practitioners and Technical (health technologists and technicians)
- Food Preparation and Serving-Related (cooks, servers)
- Protective Services (firefighters, law enforcement officers)
So if you’re wrecked for the day on less than seven hours of sleep and are forced to get an IV with a can of Red Bull flowing into your veins, you may want to seriously select a job and career where you get plenty of beauty rest.