It’s National Hot Dog Day And Twitter Has Some Scorching Hot Takes About Ketchup And Sandwiches

It’s ‘National Hot Dog Day’ because every goddamn day of the year has to be hijacked by brands for some faux holiday. Usually. I’m pretty staunchly against this garbage made-up holidays, but I’m a normal American and hot dogs are one of my favorite foods.

I’ll get this off my chest now and say that I’m #TeamKetchup. I think anyone who has a strong opinion against ketchup being on hot dogs is completely off their fucking rocker and has lost touch with reality at some point. I’m not going to knock on you for putting anything strange on a hot dog. In fact, I even welcome a Colombian-style hot dog from time to time with pineapple, crushed potato chips, and special sauce. People from the Midwest think putting ketchup on a hot dog is akin to heresy, and I think those people are fuckbois for trying to stop anyone from enjoying a hot dog in the manner they choose. This isn’t pineapple pizza we’re talking about. Ketchup is the #1 condiment in America, and it’s natural home is on top of a hot dog. If you think otherwise, you’re wrong and you should check yourself into a mental institution. This isn’t even a hot take, this is reality.

If you want some hot takes, Twitter is FULL of hot takes today. #NationalHotDogDay has brought out all of the crazies:

What the hell is it about hot dogs, ketchup, sandwiches, and mustard that causes people to turn into savages? I DGAF that you crush up potato chips on your hot dog, or that you eat relish like some sort of monster. Why should you care that regular people put delicious ketchup on their hot dogs? Just live and let live.