Jerry Jones Just Said Literally The Dumbest Thing Ever About CTE

Jerry Jones: super rich guy who owns a pretty renowned football team? Yep. A Doctor? Most certainly not, especially given the weight of recent comments the Dallas Cowboys owner offered up about the CTE epidemic that has become the forefront of the NFL’s player safety policies over the past several years.

Regarding his thoughts on chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the brain disease that has been discovered in a multitude of deceased former football players, Jerry Jones still doesn’t believe that there’s any causation between the horrendous disease and playing football.

Jones remarks themselves are what is “absurd,” especially since a high ranking league official who is, in fact, a doctor corroborated the link between head injuries sustained in football and the prevalence of CTE just last week.

From Sports Illustrated:

Last week, NFL senior vice president for health and safety Jeff Miller said that there was “certainly” a link between football and CTE, which has been found in the brains of numerous former professional football players postmortem.

Miller testified before the House of Representatives and was asked by Illinois congresswoman Jan Schakowsky whether he thinks “there is a link between football and degenerative brain disorders like CTE.”

You probably seldom hear this because the people you surround yourself with are too busy waiting for their testicles to descend from their stomach, but you’re wrong, Jerry Jones. Dead wrong.

Read a book for once, bro.

On a related note, Gronk better watch himself because we want to be able to party with him for years to come…

[H/T Sports Illustrated]