Xavier Hoops Player Arrested For ‘Knowingly’ Pulling Down His Pants, Allegedly Having Fake ID

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We’ve all been dumb college kids before, but some do it a little bit bigger than others—and Xavier Musketeers basketball player J.P. Macura is one of those who does.

Macura, a sophomore guard who averaged 9.4 points and 2.0 assists per game for the Muskies this past season—faces charges after documents say he “did knowingly pull his pants down” at a bar around campus early Thursday morning, where he was arrested by cops for disorderly conduct and obstructing justice—which stems from the 20-year-old’s alleged possession of a fake ID.

Reports say he was also “making unreasonable noise or an offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language.”

Taken to jail and posting $1,000 bond, his pretrial is set for May 3, Xavier’s athletic department is still collecting facts before determining punishment and/or official comment.

The Big East’s Sixth Man Award winner for his stellar play, Macura should stick to ballin’ on the court and not trying to show his balls at a bar.


Nick Dimengo avatar
Nick's a Sr. Editor for BroBible, mainly relying on his Sports Encyclopedia-like mind to write about things. He's also the co-host of the BroBible podcast "We Run This," and can be seen sweating his ass off while frequently running 10+ miles around Seattle.