Vermont Legislators Propose Alcohol Prohibition If Weed Isn’t Legalized ASAP

An Oregon Brewery Is Making Beer From Human Waste, So That’s Incredibly Gross

Racism Sells And 5 Other Tough Lessons I Learned As A Professional Wrestler

How To Make Drunken Apple Dumplings, Because Today Is National Apple Dumpling Day

The Weather Channel’s Mock Forecast For September 2050 Is Pretty Dang Bleak

Here’s your chance to win free Taco Bell for life

8 of the worst party fouls you might not even know you’re committing

10 awesomely unique hot dogs to make for Labor Day

6 ways to justify your insanely long bathroom breaks at work

Every state in the USA, ranked by its beer

15 fall seasonal craft beers with absolutely no pumpkin!

7 wines guys might like even as much as beer

The 25 most dangerous cities in the world

Austin Beerworks introduces 99-pack of beer. Yes, 99 beers!

5 cocktails to drink this Labor Day

16 ways you’re making your waiter/waitress hate you

We may now FINALLY know what causes those dreaded hangovers

7 signs that she’s simply just not into you

Rock bottom eating habits: 40 signs that you’ve given up

10 things I never expected to see at Dave and Busters

Dating advice site has some killer tips for men; guess where they got them?

10 sex facts about single men you won’t believe

Will professional Tinder headshots help get you laid?