I would have reported on this yesterday, but I only just now calmed down enough to write semi-reasonably about Gwyneth Paltrow being named The Most Beautiful Woman in the World by People magazine.
First off let me say that Gwyneth Paltrow is a beautiful woman. On the outside. She’s very attractive. But she is probably not the most beautiful woman, physically, in the world. However, I don’t think that’s what the folks over at People magazine mean when they say “most beautiful.” I assume they mean beautiful in a more grand sense if the word – inside and out. Which leads me to point number two…
Many people literally hate this woman. Hate with the heat of a thousand suns. So she can’t possibly be the most beautiful woman as a human being. Which leads me to point number three…
She’s a big star, somehow, despite not really having achieved much in the way of box office success that didn’t include a superhero in an iron war suit, so the folks at People may have decided to do this for the controversy it would generate. That, plus the fact that Iron Man 3 premiered last night. Whatever the reason, it blows. Of course this is the same magazine that only three years ago named Julia Roberts, a reportedly horrible person, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World.
If you want to see the cover or anything else related to Gwyneth Paltrow being named The Most Beautiful Woman in the World by People magazine, here’s a link to Google. Knock yourself out.