Hypothetical: Lets say you’re driving to your dead-end job to stare at a computer screen for eight hours just to make enough money to live in your shitty apartment and eat your shitty food. Again, this is a hypothetical so no hard feelings, bro. So you’re in your 1991 Mazda Miata with 3 missing hubcaps drinking gas station coffee because that’s all your loser ass can afford, when you see the rear doors to a Brinks truck open just ahead.
Bags and bundles of money that would add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars flies out onto the freeway well before the Brinks driver comes to a stop well ahead.
What do you do?
A.) Pick up as much money as you possibly can.
B.) See option A.
C.) Seriously dude, why are you still considering other options. Pick up the fucking money and scram.
Well, that’s the exact scenario drivers traveling on Interstate 70 in Indianapolis, Indiana during rush hour were faced with Wednesday morning when $600,000 of loose bills blew out the back of the armored truck.
A Brinks truck lost $600,000 in cash when its door flew open on I-70; people jumped over fences to fill their pockets with money, but ISP says they could be charged with theft https://t.co/t1TK7VNthh pic.twitter.com/ezH8CLRz4j
— FOX59 News (@FOX59) May 2, 2018
According to Indiana State Police, the Brinks truck driver only knew what was happening when another driver waved at him and pointed to the back of his truck. By that point he was hundreds of yards from the lost money. Fox 59 reports that people were jumping over fences from the adjacent neighborhood to stuff their pockets with money.
Turns out, that money is not free…
A Brinks truck lost money in I-70 near Sam Jones Expressway. Troopers are investigating & following up on tips about people who stopped to take💰
Anyone who picked up money can be charged with theft
If you have money from the incident to return, contact the Indiana State Police
— Sgt. John Perrine (@ISPIndianapolis) May 2, 2018
Indiana State Police says they are already getting tips with license place numbers from snitches who saw people stop to pick up the money.
Same, bro…
A Brinks Truck lost cash on I-70?
ISP says stopping to pick up money is theft.
I am NOT about breaking the law. It’s wrong. Don’t do it. Keep driving.
Me: pic.twitter.com/fYxzkJqrhp
— Michael Grady (@Grady) May 2, 2018
[h/t Fox 59]