Andrew Callaghan’s Channel 5 – Formerly ‘All Gas No Brakes’ – Goes To Miami Beach For Spring Break

As a 30-something who’s barely left the house this past year, the idea of going to Miami Beach for spring break sounds about as fun as getting a root canal.

The very idea of spring break itself has come a long way from the days of MTV Spring Break mania, when when Eminem and Sisqó could be overpaid to perform a song to a rowdy crowd on a tropical beach in between commercials for MTN Dew.

Someone has to document what the spring scene looks like in the name of J-O-U-R-N-A-L-I-S-M and I’m glad that someone is Andrew Callaghan, the curly-haired, suit-wearing host behind the YouTube channel formerly known as All Gas No Brakes.

It takes a rare breed journalist to enter the spring break fold in all its boozy anthropological glory.

All Gas No Brakes recently rebranded as a Patreon-funded indie journalism project known Channel 5. Andrew Callaghan and his team are behind the endeavor, chronicling America’s weird and whacky side like a highly caffeinated version of Charles Kuralt.

After a week of teasers on Instagram, Channel 5 just unveiled their public-facing YouTube channel, releasing a full 12-minute  video from spring break 2021 in Miami Beach.

If you’re a fan and want to support more of these kinds of videos, throw Channel 5 some support on Patreon – Tiers start at $5 and $10.

I’m particularly excited about the upcoming Los Angeles punk festival video.

The best part: “Are you a seltzy or a regular guy?”

UPDATE: 8:24am 4/12/21: There is a mirror of the video that’s up until the channel’s video is uploaded again.

Update: 9PM PT 5/12/21: The video has been removed for violating YouTube’s community guidelines.

On the Channel 5’s Instagram story, the team cites the removal of the video from YouTube’s policy on COVID-related medical claims.

Wow! That’s an interesting development.

You think YouTube’s moderators would see the journalistic objectivity / satirical nature of the show? Like, audiences still can critically think through this, right?

Check for updates on the Channel 5 YouTube…



Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: