Audio Of Chris Rock’s First Public Statement About The Will Smith Slap Has Been Released

LISTEN: Audio Of Chris Rock's First Statement About Will Smith Slap

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  • Will Smith smacked Chris Rock in the face during the 2022 Oscars ceremony on Sunday, March 27.
  • Smith took offense to a G.I. Jane joke that Rock made about his wife Jada Pinkett’s hair.
  • Rock made his first public comments about the incident at a show in Boston on Wednesday night and the audio has hit the internet.

Chris Rock, the man on the receiving end of The Slap Heard ‘Round The World, made his first public comments about getting smacked by Will Smith at a comedy show in Boston on Wednesday night.

Appearing at a previously scheduled show in Boston, Rock addressed Smith’s swing at him, according to Variety, which has obtained audio of the 57-year-old’s comments.

Listen to Chris Rock’s first public comments about the Will Smith incident

“How was your weekend?” Rock began, reportedly drawing a “wave” of laughter. “I don’t have a bunch of shit about what happened, so if you came to hear that, I have a whole show I wrote before this weekend. I’m still kind of processing what happened. So, at some point I’ll talk about that shit. And it will be serious and funny.”

Rock, who was presenting the award for Best Documentary, made an ad-libbed joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, saying that he’s looking forward to seeing her in the G.I. Jane sequel in reference to her shaved head. Pinket Smith suffers from a hair loss condition known as alopecia and clearly took offense to the joke, which prompted Will Smith to walk on stage and smack Chris Rock in the face.


Despite striking Rock, Smith returned to his seat where he remained until he accepted the award for Best Actor for his performance in King Richard. During his acceptance speech, Smith — who reportedly refused to exit the ceremony at the Academy’s request — said that “love will make you do crazy things.”

While Smith has since apologized to Rock, the Academy, and a bevy of other people, the Academy still intends to take “appropriate action” in regards to the actor.

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Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.