Getty Image / Matt Cardy / Stringer
It’s the end of July and it’s hot out there. There are a couple of ways to cool down: swim in your pool, swim in the pool of the person you pretend to be friends with in order to use them for their pool, stay inside with the AC on blast, or go old school and frolic in a sprinkler in the front yard. This dog didn’t have a pool as an option but he did have the choice of air conditioning and sprinkler. Which method of cooling down would this good boy select?
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This dog decided to not only cool off with the sprinkler outside, but also to enjoy the refreshing water inside with the comfort of air conditioning. Cara Wohr shared the moment that her pooch brought the sprinkler into her house through the doggy door.
“Good thing I was wearing waterproof mascara,” Cara said. Good thing Cara, if only your house was waterproof too. Thankfully for us all, Cara snapped this precious photo before stopping the sudden flash flood inside her home. Sure her living room is probably ruined, but that’s a small price to pay for a viral photo on Facebook. What a perfectly polite and courteous doggo. He thought to himself, “I’m out here in the yard enjoying all this sprinkler fun and my poor humans are stuck inside. I had better bring them the sprinkler to cool them off and so they can have sprinkler fun too.”
Want even more doggie goodness? Check out this awesome dog birthday party with 361 golden retrievers!