Touchstone Pictures
Subscribers to Disney+ have had to deal with some unexpected changes to certain TV shows and movies since the streaming service launched back in November.
Song of the South? Not on the service (for obvious reasons).
Lilo & Stitch? You won’t be seeing Lilo hiding in the dryer anymore.
The Simpsons? Not available to stream in the correct 4:3 ratio (but will be soon).
Darryl Hannah’s naked butt scenes in the Tom Hanks mermaid movie Splash? Edited with digital manipulation that makes Henry Cavill’s horrible Justice League mustache-hiding effort look like the Mona Lisa.
That’s right. Disney+ is no place for the naked butt.
Here’s the original scene as it was intended to be viewed.
The original pic.twitter.com/05bPUX2b63
— J.R.F.B. (@Numod_Root) April 13, 2020
And here’s how it looks on Disney+.
Disney+ didn't want butts on their platform so they edited Splash with digital fur technology pic.twitter.com/df8XE0G9om
— Allison Pregler 📼🍿💅🏻💫 (@AllisonPregler) April 13, 2020
Here’s another look because lolwut?

Touchstone Pictures
Did Disney hire the folks who did the digital work on the movie Cats to edit out buttcracks in Splash?
Yep. It looks like yak hair. 😂 😂
— Rachel (@rlisakowitz) April 13, 2020
At least they just cut around Hannah’s bare ass during the Statue of Libery scene rather than do whatever the hell it is they did in the beach scene. (Though for a millisecond you can still see her buttcrack as she hops the fence. SCANDAL!)
On the plus side, the reactions to this piss poor job of editing produced some truly hilarious comments.
Mermaids have hairy butts, pass it on
— The ʨ (@TheDJTC) April 13, 2020
For 35 years, young audience have seen the butt and breasts of Daryl Hannah in Splash without it disturbing them and suddenly Disney + considers it shocking for them ?
— Thom (@Thom23691) April 13, 2020
It's like they tried to make her hair longer and thicker, but gave her a giant shag carpet for a butt instead
— Arvu ReBantra Also on that social site (@ArvuReBantra) April 13, 2020
I bet you they only did this for the lady butts. I bet you plenty of male butts are on there completely uncensored.
— ✨Sammy doesn't know✨ (@essaym22) April 13, 2020
Funny, they are ok with showing Hugh Jackman’s bare butt in X-Men: Days Of Future Past....
— Rℹ︎chKGojira ☉☉ (@RichKGojira) April 13, 2020
No Butts, huh? pic.twitter.com/zP88iKI4Mt
— ERod 🔨 (@ERodBuster1) April 13, 2020
The new puritans want to pretend arses don’t exist. Yet all the violence in their superhero films is perfectly fine
— You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat (@film_quiz) April 13, 2020
This is worse than Henry Cavill's moustache
— ernie_aka (@ernie_aka) April 13, 2020
i remember seeing that movie as a kid in the theater with my family and i turned into a junkie and burglar and murderer after seeing that butt. good on them to protect america's children with an anal mirkin
— DVM for alien juggalo rob zombie (@sewage666) April 13, 2020
Disney+’s identity crisis is one of the most baffling things to watch develop. If they want to be a family platform, just be a family platform and move Star Wars, Marvel, and Touchstone movies over to Hulu
— Matt Makes Mermaid Movies (@matt_tbr) April 13, 2020
Disney editing a frontal nude scene: pic.twitter.com/WB7zoordQd
— Songokurious (@Songokurious) April 13, 2020
The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular literally ends with a montage of all the times they showed naked Simpsons butts
— Bust A Mecond April Second (@tonygoldmark) April 13, 2020
Looks like Disney+ still has more work to do.