Residents Of A Town In Florida Were Slightly Concerned When The City Sent Out A ‘Zombie Alert’

Florida Town Sent Out Zombie Alert


The residents of Lake Worth, Florida were more than a little surprised to receive a ZOMBIE alert along with a power outage alert in the middle of the night on Sunday.

At around 1:45 am, residents received the alerts which warned of a “power outage and zombie alery for residents of Lake Worth and Terminus.”


The message also read, “There are now far less than seven thousand three hundred and eighty customers involved due to extreme zombie activity. Restoration time uncertain.”

Of course the entire message was written in ALL CAPS.

The Palm Beach Post reported that Lake Worth Live, a community Facebook page, said an update from the city indicated the message was unintended….

Regarding last nights brief power outage posted by Wes Blackman:

The city’s public information officer, Ben Kerr followed up with this today: “7880 customers were effected, power was restored within 27 minutes. We are looking into the reports that the system mentioned zombies, I want to reiterate that Lake Worth does not have any zombie activity currently and apologize for the system message. Protective Relays operated as designed to isolate a fault within the boundaries of a main system Transformer. The restoration process started within 16 minutes, with full restoration occurring at 27 minutes. Engineering will perform a full review of the transformer prior to return it to service.”

Hey, at least it wasn’t a false missile attack alert. City officials also said that they believe that maybe, just maybe, they had been hacked.

Me? I think it was the result of one of three things.

(1) Someone was very excited about the news of Zombieland 2 being made.

(2) Someone was still fired up to watch the newest episode of iZombie on the CW

Or (3) someone just couldn’t contain their excitement at the prospect of there being a new zombie mode coming out soon for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Words to live by, Tom.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.