Fortnite has been an unbelievable success with popularity and with making boatloads of moolah. Fortnite is said to be making nearly $2 million a day and a lot of the prosperity is linked to the arrival of the free-for-all video game on Apple’s iOS. In the first three weeks of arriving on iOS Fortnite made an astounding $15 million. So it would definitely be in the best interests of Epic Games to quickly release Fortnite on Android to haul even more dinero and that is exactly what will happen soon.
Epic Games announced that Fortnite is coming to Android phones this summer, but did not provide an exact date of arrival. “We are targeting this summer for the release,” Epic Games said in a blog post. “We know many of you are excited for this release, and we promise that when we have more information to share, you’ll hear it from us first.”
Epic Games also revealed some major improvements for Fortnite including voice chat for mobile. The new update will allow you to communicate with your teammates on Victory Royale regardless of the platform you’re playing on. Plus players can easily mute themselves, other players, or make every player available to devise your strategy with.
Another new feature is a customizable HUD was recently added to the iOS version of the game. Epic Games also said that a new stats tracking feature will be available for the mobile version as well as a battery saver mode that reduces graphics settings to lower your power consumption so your phone isn’t dead after five games.
Now Android users can sharpen their Fortnite skills so they can get a college scholarship for playing Battle Royale. The only remaining platform yet for Fortnite to conquer is Nintendo Switch, but that might be coming in the very near future.