Insane Video Shows Actor G-Rod Getting Bodyslammed By Machine Gun Kelly’s Goons After Calling The Rapper A ‘P*ssy’

John Sciulli/Getty Images for Samsung

Back in mid-September, actor Gabriel “G-Rod” Rodriguez (OzarkBallers, NCIS) claimed that Machine Gun Kelly’s bodyguards beat the pulp out of him after he approached the Cleveland rapper in an Atlanta bar and called him a “pussy” for a tweet Kelly sent out in 2010 referring to Eminem’s daughter as “hot.”

In the clip below, the 40-year-old actor films himself approaching an unassuming Machine Gun Kelly and saying, “I’m gonna say it because it has to be said. You’re a pussy for going after family,” before the 28-year-old shoves him away.

Welp, this brouhaha was far from over.

After this video was taken, G-Rod claims he was confronted by Kelly’s bodyguards and crew when he returned to his hotel room, prompting an interaction that attracted local police. After police left, the confrontation spilled into the hotel lobby where a newly released video shows G-Rod being picked up and bodyslammed by a very large man. He was then kicked and punched by a bunch of other dudes while he lay on the ground. (Here is a five minute video posted back in September of G-Rod explaining the events that led up to what you’re about to watch.)

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That’s some NFL Blitz type shit.

After G-Rod got his ass kicked, he threatened to file a lawsuit against Machine Gun Kelly but told him he’d drop the charges under one condition: the rapper meet him in the octagon to “go man-to-man without goons or weapons.”

At the time of me writing this, Machine Gun Kelly has yet to respond to the incident. No word on whether G-Rod will press charges either.

[h/t TMZ]

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Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.