Quick question: When was the last time you cried? Like really cried. For me, it was Christmas 2016 when I went to see Manchester By The Sea with my family. For those who’ve seen the movie, I lost it when he ran into his ex-wife on the street and the excruciating words that followed, “There’s nothing there.” After fighting back the tingling behind my eyes for a few moments, I fucking lost it. My dad was sitting right next to me, I felt naked and vulnerable, but I had no choice. After the movie, we went to get a beer and I made sure to tell my dad I was whittling a coffee table for my apartment to regain some manhood. He responded, “Make sure you wear glasses, wouldn’t want any saw dust getting in your eye.” I was very close to asking him to arm wrestle.
A mild digression, I know. But I’d be lying if I told you that a good cry felt like a first masturbation after a week at sleep away camp. It was a goddamn re-awakening.
Well, a woman named Lauren May recently had herself a good cry. Over what? A death in the family Watching a Sara McLachlan abandoned dog commercial Winning $11.30 playing online trivia.
Watching Lauren May’s roller coaster of emotions as she realized she’s won $11.30 playing @hqtrivia yesterday was a truly epic start to the new year @ScottRogowsky @L_M_A_Y @megmk #HQTrivia pic.twitter.com/GtH4nCG2w7
— Avery Armour (@averyarmour) January 2, 2018
For those who are unfamiliar with HQ Trivia, it is a wildly popular app and trivia game created by the creators of Vine. It takes the form of a live game show, played twice daily. The players that correctly answer the final question split the prize money, which have ranged from $2,000 to $18,000.
All for $11.30 damn #TheStruggle MUST be real.
— TC (@T_h_e_C_h_a_m_p) January 3, 2018
Now go buy a nice lunch…but not too nice
— Willie Fisterbutt (@AncientAge449) January 3, 2018
Hey, good for Lauren. The post holiday bank account needs all the pennies it can get.
[h/t Avery Armour Twitter]