It’s no secret that cruises are a petri dish of infectious bacteria and infectious grown men with pony tails. Both of which one should avoid at all costs, global pandemic or otherwise.
While the world has stopped spinning in the span of 48 hours, Maria Stahl is embarking upon a kamikaze mission.
Stahl, Brevard County, Florida’s top-ranking health official, is taking a cruise this week in the eye of the coronavirus, Florida Today reports.
The top @HealthyFla official for Brevard County, Administrator Maria Stahl, is going on a cruise in the middle of the #coronavirus pandemic…because, Florida.https://t.co/IOkXoT3X22 pic.twitter.com/KBxzhXm2WZ
— SFDB (@sfdb) March 13, 2020
Ironically, the administrator of the Florida Department of Health in Brevard participated in several media briefings in front of 200 people, including several public health officials.
Stahl will reportedly “limit interactions with others” in the 14 days upon returning to the United States.
“Upon her return, the DOH-Brevard administrator Maria Stahl will follow (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines that are in effect at the time,” Anita Stremmel, assistant country Health Department director, said Thursday in an email.”
“Current CDC guidelines for travelers on cruises: Travelers should monitor their health and limit interactions with others for 14 days after returning to the United States. If you become symptomatic, immediately self-isolate and contact your county Health Department or health care provider,” she wrote.
We are three weeks removed from news of The Diamond Princess cruise ship docking at the port in Yokohama, Japan after 542 of the 3,711 passengers and crew on board the ship tested positive for the virus.
On Monday, a woman claimed people were fighting over “rotten food” on board the coronavirus-stricken cruise ship off the California coast.
Of course, the CDC strongly recommends that travelers cancel cruise trips worldwide.
Travelers who don’t have a death wish, that is.
All aboard Kamikaze Cruises!!!
[h/t Florida Today]