A Husband Just Won A $1 Million Prize Less Than Five Months After His Wife Also Won $1 Million

Husband Wife Win 1 Million Prizes


Hmmm… I am not sure who to hate more today. This teen in California who won the lottery twice in one week, this woman who won $5 million after the store clerk gave her the wrong ticket, or this husband and wife from Massachusetts who each won $1 million prizes just months apart.

I’m thinking I will go with the husband and wife, Robert and Jane Goodwin, from Randolph, Massachusetts. Their last names being Goodwin is just the icing on the freaking cake.

Robert won his million from a $5 scratch-off ticket in something called the “$1,000,000 Platinum Payout” game.

His wife, Jane, won her million back in August when she miraculously won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes.

According to PCH

A very active senior citizen, Jane retired from the local electric utility a few years ago and now enjoys travel and her four-legged pets. Her daily routine also includes taking advantage of the multiple online opportunities to enter the PCH Sweepstakes, including PCH Search&Win. Jane has been a great customer for over 30 years and enters both online and through the mail. In fact, Jane’s $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize win was made even MORE special with an extra $10,000.00 A Year For Life prize she won from our exciting “Win For Life Club” promotion!

Well, goodie for her.

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As for Robert, the Massachusetts Lottery reports…

Goodwin won his prize in the Lottery’s “$1,000,000 Platinum Payout” $5 instant ticket game. Joined by his wife Jane at the Lottery’s Braintree headquarters to claim his prize, Goodwin chose the game’s cash option and received a one-time payment of $650,000 (less tax withholdings). The Goodwins indicated that they intend to use their winnings to purchase a home in an over-55 community. Why?

“No more shoveling,” said Robert.

I’m… so… happy for them.

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H/T Huffington Post

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.