Kate Middleton Lookalike Swears It Isn’t Her In Video, People Still Don’t Believe Her

Kate Middelton Catherine Duchess of Cambridge look-alike Heidi Agan

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Where’s Kate Middleton? Despite video emerging this week of the Duchess of Cambridge taking a stroll at the Windsor Farm Stand this weekend with Prince William, people are still asking that question.

That’s because there are still folks out there who believe that the woman in the video wasn’t actually Kate Middleton.

The #NotKate hashtag has continued to proliferate thanks to people like BBC journalist Sonja McLaughlan, who has been catching heat for promoting the conspiracy theory.

“It’s so obviously not Kate,” McLaughlan wrote on social media. “Some newspapers are reporting it as fact. But it’s not her. No conspiracy theorist but all very odd.”

McLaughlan also speculated that it “could be a couple of lookalikes making mischief.”

So is it?

According to professional Kate Middleton look-alike Heidi Agan, it wasn’t her.

Agan, who has impersonated the Princess of Wales professionally for 12 years, says she is “100 percent” sure that the woman in the video was, in fact, Kate.

“There has obviously been some speculation about whether it was Kate and William in that footage and stills,” Agan told the Mirror. “In fact, my own social media has gone crazy as people think it is me, but I know it is not. I was at work at the time so I know that is not me. I 100 percent believe that is Kate Middleton and William in that video.

“So she is alive, and we can be sure about it. It has all gone too far now. It started as a joke about where is Kate, but now it has turned into a drama really, so it needs to stop.”

Heidi Agan also spoke to TMZ, telling the website, “Today’s been a really crazy day because people think that I’m Kate Middleton in the video that’s come out online. So I’ve been doing a lot of interviews and given my alibi that no, it wasn’t me in the video. I was actually at work so I think it is 100 percent her.”


None of that has slowed down the comments on Agan’s social media.

“You 2 pretended to be Kate and William why? Where’s Kate?” one person asked on Instagram.

“I’m kinda convinced it was them at the market,” read another comment.

“Good to see you’ve finally got the call up to step in for Kate,” someone else wrote.

Meanwhile, The Daily Beast reports, “Kate Middleton Plans ‘Big Bang’ Easter Sunday Return to Public Life.”

Expectations are building that the Princess of Wales will walk to church with other members of the royal family on Easter Sunday and greet well-wishers in a show-stopping set piece, heralding her return to public life.

Makes sense. Easter is the day Jesus rose from the dead, so why not Kate too?