Hurricane Harvey has been a disaster for Houston residents, as federal officials predict that the historic flooding will drive 30,000 people into shelters and prompt 450,000 victims to seek disaster assistance. And relief will not come immediately. Forecasters claim that rain totals could reach another 2 feet and won’t let up until week’s end at the earliest. Just one look at the drone footage reveals just how devastating the storm is.
But even in the toughest of times, it’s sometimes best to just say ‘fuck it’ and go fishing with your bare hands in what once was your living room. And that’s exactly what Saul Saldana did. The video below was captured by Saul’s daughter Viviana and has amassed almost 490,000 shares on Facebook and its easy to see why.
Good to see a dad easing his families worries with a little slapstick humor.
[h/t Huffington Post]