Technology is awesome, isn’t it? We can do so many things that people from the stone age before the internet existed could only dream of ever doing.
You’ve got Alexa, Siri, Bixby, and Cortana… Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 5G, PS4, and Sonos… Echo, Portal, Nest, Roku, Chromecast, and Ring… the list of incredible technological advances we’ve made over the past couple of decades just goes on and on.
All of which are spying on you. You knew that, right?
His Amazon Ring doorbell got hacked. Now he’s suing. – https://t.co/Ix0OEEFO3r #cybersec #cybersecurity https://t.co/0KNqNSFJOZ
— CyberSecurity (@CyberSecUpdate) December 31, 2019
If you didn’t, then let this creepy as hell Amazon review from June 10, 2019 for an APEMAN Baby Monitor WiFi Camera enlighten and frighten you.
Shared to Twitter by author Dahlia Adler, this one-star review with entitled “Easily hacked, terrible security” is, as she calls it, “the creepiest horror story I have ever read.”
We loved and used this camera for a couple months and it does perform very well. However my wife, while breastfeeding our baby, just watched the camera led start flashing and another woman’s voice asked ‘wheres that baby?’ IN THE PITCH BLACK DARK OF NIGHT AT 4 AM! It’s important to note that the camera was pointing at the crib and her nursing rocker. Only my wife and i have the password for the cameras account and it was brand new. The thing that scares us the most is that someone has been watching and listening and possibly even talking to our baby, and we would never have found out if she hadn’t seen and heard it. Please dont buy this product its not worth someone else watching listening and talking to your baby we had no idea that there apparently is a market for people that want to watch livestream babies but there very much is according to the internet.
“I was trying to find a replacement for my baby monitor but instead I think I’ll just move my whole family into an underground bunker,” Adler added to her tweet.