Marvel Studios
- Over the course of 13+ years, the MCU has created a total of 32 projects.
- Those various films and TV shows have racked up quite the body count over the years.
- One of the MCU’s recent projects is also its deadliest, according to data.
Ever since launching with Iron Man all the way back in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has churned out 27 feature films and five television series (which isn’t even counting the projects they made in collaboration with Netflix a few years ago). And across those 32 total projects, *a lot* of bodies have been stacked up, as the Avengers and co., despite being the heroes, have certainly slain their fair share of bad guys.
Somewhat surprisingly, though, the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most recent project is also their deadliest, as the six-episode Disney+ series Hawkeye has racked up the largest body count of any MCU outing so far with somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 casualties.
In total, Hawkeye‘s on-screen kill count comes out to between 50 and 55 bodies total, a number that ignores arrows fired only at hands or feet as well as any trick arrows that looked to be non-lethal. However, it does include the two Tracksuits carried off by the cute owl Clint encountered in the Christmas tree after being shrunk by Kate’s Pym-arrow. In comparison, Tony Stark has one of the higher kill counts thanks to the first Iron Man when he escaped the Ten Rings (around 35). While the Winter Soldier‘s kill count is closer at around 45 on-screen kills, that’s only when looking at all of his MCU appearances in total and he isn’t a hero for a lot of that time, of course.
Discounting the literal wars, robot attacks, and alien invasions seen in the larger Avengers films, Hawkeye certainly seems to have the highest pile of actual bodies by far. [via ScreenRant]
While I felt that Hawkeye started out quite shakily, I thought the last episode was the Marvel Cinematic Universe at its peak, combining character development, action, and fan service into one excellently-crafted, Christmas-themed finale. Perhaps, though, I was just reacting to Hawkeye and Kate Bishop absolutely STACKING bodies.
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