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Spoiler: Spider-Man isn’t really dead. Sorry. That heart-wrenching scene in Avengers: Infinity War with Peter Parker telling Tony Stark, “I dont feel so good,” isn’t the end for him.
Of course, if you hadn’t already figured that out by now and this is the first time you’re realizing that, well… damn, dude.
Anyhoo, the next movie featuring our favorite wall crawler, Spider-Man Far From Home, has been filming on the streets of New York City (much like Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker over in Brooklyn).
Which means, since stars Tom Holland and Zendaya have been shooting the movie in a location inhabited by thousands of people, a slew of new videos and pics have made their way on to the internet.
As these videos and pics show, Peter Parker is slowly morphing into Tony Stark when it comes to his variety of suits. This fourth iteration of Spidey’s Underoos, while similar to his suit in Homecoming, is actually black and red. It also has different panels on the side and yet another revamped logo.
More details in HQ of the new suit. #SpiderManFarFromHome pic.twitter.com/dHqGQvusrm
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 12, 2018
Tom Holland and Zendaya. #SpiderManFarFromHome 🕷️🕸️ pic.twitter.com/mya8IDZ06o
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 13, 2018
New pics of Zendaya and Tom Holland filming #SpiderManFarFromHome today. pic.twitter.com/Rr2ZEYm7Nf
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 12, 2018
More pics of Tom Holland and Zendaya filming ' SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME ' #3 pic.twitter.com/OZlhqvygCE
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 12, 2018
Spider Man asking for a high five to Michelle. #SpiderManFarFromHome pic.twitter.com/JGT1R2kvwm
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 12, 2018
Oh, yeah, did I say this is fourth iteration of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man suit? My bad. I meant fifth.
Pic of the new suit #SpiderManHomecoming pic.twitter.com/wu4hOVRIYt
— mj 🕸️ (@feliciahsrdysx) October 1, 2018
Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 5, 2019 and stars Tom Holland (Spider-Man), Marisa Tomei (Aunt May), Michael Keaton (The Vulture), Zendaya (Michelle), Jacob Batalon (Ned Leeds), Angourie Rice (Betty Brant), Tony Revolori (Flash Thompson), Martin Star (Mr. Harrington), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), with Jake Gyllenhaal (Nightcrawler) as the new villain Mysterio.