It doesn’t take much to rile up the internet in this day and age, and earlier this week, Peloton—a company that has been the subject of some hilarious ridicule in the past—managed to piss off plenty of people thanks to a commercial it released to drum up sales this holiday season.
The company found itself facing accusations of sexism and fat-shaming for reasons I haven’t been totally able to grasp, and when everything was said and done, Peloton saw its market value drop by almost $1 billion thanks in no small part to the backlash over a husband having the nerve to give his social media-obsessed wife the gift of fitness for Christmas.
According to TMZ, the husband in question—who appears on screen for about five seconds and has zero lines—is played by actor (and elementary school teacher) Sean Hunter, who says he’s facing a serious amount of backlash and some “malicious feedback” for agreeing to take on what was supposed to be a fairly innocuous role:
“My friend texted me today declaring that I’m ‘a symbol of the patriarchy’…As my face continues to be screenshot online, I wonder what repercussions will come back to me…
[I’m] grappling with the negative opinions as none of them have been constructively helpful.
As I continue to reflect on the commercial, I consider these thoughts: Why are people creating so many additional narratives to the story? Am I allowed to view the commercial positively after receiving such negative feedback? If recognized on the street, what will people’s first opinions be of me?”
First of all, it’s kind of laughable that Hunter thinks people are going to actually recognize him when they pass him on the street but I kind of have to respect him for thinking so highly of himself.
Additionally, when you consider how briefly he appears onscreen, I seriously doubt he’ll miss out on any potential roles he may have gotten in the future thanks to his ability to sit on a couch.
With that said, you kind of have to feel for the dude for having shitty friends and being helpless to control a narrative that essentially sums up the culture of outrage that basically defined 2019.