Powerlifter Larry Wheels Sets Crazy Personal Record By Benching A 245-Pound Barbell In EACH Hand

Do you know Larry Wheels? Powerlifter Larry Wheels is the training partner and hypeman for World’s Strongest Man Hafthor “The Mountain” Bjornsson.

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Larry Wheels is a mountain in his own right. The 24-year-old bodybuilding strongman frequently boasts bouts of unbelievable strength on his Instagram page that has more than 1.2 million followers. Larry “Wheels” Williams is out here setting personal records by doing seven reps of 805 pounds, doing three reps of 881 pounds, putting up 500 pounds in a shoulder press and lifting 446-pound logs over his head at the 2019 Europe’s Strongest Man competition.

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When the weights at the gym aren’t heavy enough for Larry Wheels, he just starts lifting grown-ass men.

Larry Wheels even does arm-wrestling and easily “beats” the biggest dudes at his gym.

Larry Wheels also bench presses 245 pounds… per hand. Larry Wheels’ latest PR was pressing two 245-pound barbells, one in each hand, for three reps. You’re just sitting here wondering if you’ll ever be able to lift one 245-pound barbell with both of your hands.

Please don’t try that at home, your arms will literally break off.

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