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Have you ever been watching a movie or television show and you find yourself constantly adjusting the volume because the background music is too loud while the dialogue is too low? We all have. And now, Amazon has released a new dialogue tool to fix that.
According to Amazon, “Dialogue Boost” is a new AI-powered feature that will let users “increase the volume of dialogue relative to background music and effects, creating a more comfortable and accessible viewing experience.”
Dialogue Boost works by analyzing the audio of the movie/show you’re watching and uses an AI tool to identify which sections of the dialogue may be difficult to hear due to things such as background music and/or effects.
“At Prime Video, we are committed to building an inclusive, equitable, and enjoyable streaming experience for all our customers,” said Raf Soltanovich, VP of Technology at Prime Video and Amazon Studios.
“Our library of captioned and audio-described content continues to grow, and by leveraging our technological capabilities to create industry-first innovations like Dialogue Boost, we are taking another step to create a more accessible streaming experience.”
It will certainly be interesting to see how successful the rollout of Dialogue Boost is, as the audio mixing of background music and dialogue has been a common issue with streaming services for a few years now, similar to the issue that linear cable faces with the volume of commercials versus regular programming.
At this time, Dialogue Boost is available on a handful of original Prime Video titles such as Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Harlem, The Big Sick, Beautiful Boy, and Being the Ricardos, and will be made more widely available in the coming months.
You can find Amazon Prime Video’s full announcement of Dialogue Boost here.
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