You know the drill, spoilers ahead. Last night’s episode of “Game of Thrones” titled “Eastwatch” was of course tremendous. Episode 5 of Season 7 was all over Westeros and covered many important developments, new alliances, and huge theories coming to fruition. Twitter brought the funny, the snarky, and the shock of the latest episode of “GoT.”
Daenerys Targaryen demands that all of the captured soldiers “bend the knee” or else.
Khaleesi then had Drogon roast Randyll and Dickon Tarly, making Samwell the lord of his house.
Jon Snow met Drogon face-to-face and even got to pet the glorious beast.
the music, the actings, the feelings… one of the most legendary moments on game of thrones pic.twitter.com/HwwvrKx1dl
— mia (@emilliasclarke) August 14, 2017
Jon Snow & Drogon bout to be like…. #gameofthrones #demthrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/10XALQBrAF
— Pashmina Papi 🦦 (@ReJecTReef) August 14, 2017
It turned out that Drogon is a good boy.
Jon Snow coming face-to-face with the mighty Drogon – "Who's a good boy?!?!" pic.twitter.com/S4ffFoVXyB
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) August 14, 2017
Gendry has finally stopped rowing.
You have the Magnificent 7, a Westeros fighting force for the ages featuring Thoros of Myr, Beric Dondarrion, the Hound, Gendry Waters, Ser Jorah Mormont, Tormund, and Jon Snow.
The Real Suicide Squad #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/z1fimQSVPc
— C.J (@cgh992) August 14, 2017
The Hound, Jon, Jorah, and Tormund have all linked up to go fuck shit up. This shit is like Suicide Squad except it's gonna actually be good
— 🐧✨America Is Musty✨🐧 (@DragonflyJonez) August 14, 2017
The only things that can stop this mighty militia is an army of dead or maybe them killing each other. Tormund doesn’t like Jorah because his father used to hunt wildlings as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Gendry doesn’t like Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr because they sold him off to Melisandre, who tried to bang him to death. But they’re all one big zombie killing family now and will have to put their differences aside to capture a white walker.
Game of Thrones Season 7 is like NBA free agency, everyone is suddenly forming superteams out of nowhere and I can't keep track
— Kristen Balboni (@KristenBalboni) August 14, 2017
Littlefinger was being his usual crafty, creepy, and conniving self.
Little Finger 24/7 #DemThrones #GameofThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/QDqN9HJNCB
— Tiffie (@tiffpeso) August 14, 2017
But Arya Stark took a page out of Petyr Baelish’s book and was extra sneaky when she stole a scroll from his room.
Me trying to read the scroll arya got from little finger #gameofthrones #demthrones pic.twitter.com/L6WGwyw9Ms
— jsauvez (@JSauvez) August 14, 2017
Patiently waiting for the episode where Arya finally gets to wear Littlefinger's face. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/ZEO9O9npSq
— tatetat (@DMT222) August 14, 2017
Gilly makes the discovery of a lifetime, but Sam Tarly was too busy.
When Gilly stumbles upon the biggest secret in Westeros but Sam isn't paying attention #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/dBFgRoiU4V
— Eric Stevens (@EricElBambino) August 14, 2017
Gilly (a woman): Here is some extremely pertinent infor—
— Andrew Gruttadaro (@andrewgrutt) August 14, 2017
I think Gilly is going to finish these novels before George RR Martin does
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) August 14, 2017
In one of the books, High Septon Maynard wrote that he “issued an annulment for a Prince ‘Ragger’ and remarried him to someone else at the same time.” Rhaegar Targaryen got married to Lyanna Stark and had a secret wedding in Dorne. Meaning that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Not Danerys.
Did I hear Rhaegar Targaryen got annulment and had another wedding secretly!? #ThronesYall @GameOfThrones #GOT7 pic.twitter.com/XO9sUtcCzo
— That’s not the truth ellen (@basicbee15) August 14, 2017
Me, when Gilly reads that Rhaegar and *someone* (Lyanna) were secretly married which means Jon is a legitimate Targaryen: pic.twitter.com/QVwgozGXOh— #DragonsYall (@dragonsyall) August 14, 2017
And another “Game of Thrones” episode got me like.
The next episode of Game Of Thrones is gonna put me in a fuckin' hospital.
— Joe Santagato (@JoeSantagato) August 14, 2017
Here are the Twitter reactions to last week’s epic “Spoils of War” episode.