Don Arnold/WireImage
“Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line.”
Ric Flair’s public fondness for the Magic Kingdom’s outer space-themed coaster strengthened my desire to attend Disney World as a growing lad.
When I finally got my way in the summer of 2002, after my fifth straight trip on Space Mountain, my father sat me down with a candy apple and told me the truth.
The Nature Boy wasn’t a coaster guy. Never was. When he claimed to take 10,000 women aboard Space Mountain, he was never actually employed by Walt Disney, or in the state of Florida for that matter. Space Mountain was merely a euphemism for Flair’s sexual prowess.
And a whole new admiration was born.
That is why the 72-year-old was trending for a full 24 hours on Wednesday after the world was convinced it was Flair who was performing fellatio on a very flexible woman on New York’s Long Island Rail Road train.
The internet immediately jumped to conclusions, which is understandable considering an estimated 22% of sex acts in the United States in the past 30 years have been performed by Ric Flair. Don’t fact check that.
Big Conrad Thompson and Ric Flair at the next family shindig pic.twitter.com/rdvaTFBiDj
— Shutts (@Shuttsapalooza) August 18, 2021
Goes to Twitter to see why Ric Flair trending. pic.twitter.com/3C4OFdycC6
— Curtis Wakanda Overnight 🌈 🇺🇦 🇵🇸 (@Currtis25Harr) August 18, 2021
When you see why Ric Flair is trending pic.twitter.com/HZNOm8HavV
— Politicin’ Hak (@politicin_hak) August 18, 2021
Ric Flair got his release, alright
— Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com (@SeanRossSapp) August 18, 2021
Ric Flair getting off that train like… pic.twitter.com/koHdaXF069
— Marc (@marcometer) August 18, 2021
Flair, who married his longtime girlfriend and former WCW manager Wendy Barlow in 2018, hopped on Twitter to debunk the rumors that it was him who was enjoying a snack.
This Picture Is As Real As That Other One Floating Around. The Nature Boy Doesn’t Ride Trains! WOOOOO WOOOOO! pic.twitter.com/XdM6AlQ3wM
— Ric Flair® (@RicFlairNatrBoy) August 18, 2021
Breathe easy, Wendy Barlow. The next time you come up for air.
i think about this every day. pic.twitter.com/ZqsAqChJPq
— Matt Keohan (@MrKeohan) February 4, 2019