As we eagerly await for the premiere of Season 2 of “Stranger Things” on October 27, 2017, we get exciting news about the future of our favorite 80s nostalgia TV show. Matt and Ross Duffer, the creators of “Stranger Things,” confirmed that there will definitely be a Season 3, but don’t expect much more than a fourth season. In an interview with Vulture, the Duffer Brothers said there would be a Season 3, but probably no more than Season 4. “We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out,” Ross Duffer said. His brother Matt added, “I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year.” Ross then said, “They’re going to have to get the fuck out of this town! It’s ridiculous!”
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As far as Season 2 goes, they want to go big. Ross Duffer said, “I told Matt, ‘I don’t want to call it season two, I just want it to feel like a movie sequel.’ If you have a successful movie, No. 2 is always a little bit bigger.” You’d guess that there will be an even bigger and scarier Demogorgon. Maybe a zombie Barb?