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English actress Sophie Turner has been making moves since it was announced that there would only be one more season of Game of Thrones. She’s already starred in her own movie, Josie, and will be the centerpiece of the X-Men: Dark Phoenix film coming out on on February 14, 2019.
Oh yeah, Turner also just revealed another passion project she’s been working on: a secret Instagram account where she reviews… sausages. Seriously.
The reveal took place on a recent Instagram story where Turner posted a screenshot of her sausage-reviewing Instagram account, @sophiessausagereviews. She even asked people to follow it, writing, “Shoot us a follow yeah?”
The account’s bio reads “Passionate Bout The Saus” and so far is followed by 22.2 thousand people including celebrities Riley Keough, her fiancé Joe Jonas, and his brother Nick.
Turner’s first sausage review, of a “classic Cumberland,” was posted on April 5th. She rated it a 7/10.
Heathrow Airport: “London, England. A classic Cumberland. Juicy on the bite. Skin not too tough. Around the size of my middle finger: perfect. However I might have liked the skin to be a little crispier. For what it is….. Result: 7/10.”
She has since posted five more sausage reviews in the few days since beginning the account. Turner’s favorite so far is a turkey sausage she ate at a restaurant on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles.
Melrose Avenue: “Los Angeles, California. Turkey sausage. Truly a phenomenal bite. Small size but comes in 3s. Turkey to herb ratio is perfection. Crispy in parts, soft in the middle. 8/10,” wrote Turner.
Here are the rest of her reviews to date.
Animal Restaurant: “#sausagesurpriseoftheweek. Los Angeles, California Sausage sauce on the sly. Sausage gravy on biscuit. Slightly spicy. More bitty than expected but the taste of the biscuit really complements this gravy. Without the biscuit who knows where we’d be. 4/10.”
Marmalade Cafe: “Los Angeles, California. Maple sausage. Size is good, could eat in 3 bites if I wanted to, however comes in pairs, would prefer a triplet of saus. Slightly garlic-y and not quite crispy enough on the outside. On the inside; moist but stays strong. Overall… a 6.5/10. #cantbehandingouttens.”
Marmalade Cafe: “Los Angeles, California. Chicken cranberry sausage. Nice to have a sausage shaped sausage for once 😑 finally. Other than that, aesthetically not the most pleasing. A little lumpy. The cranberry really compliments the chicken. A nice surprise. However after the 3rd bite, it can get a little sickly. Excellent size. The texture inside is perfect. I’d give it 6/10.”
“Disneyland, Los Angeles. Wild boar crepinette and Spanish cured sausage. More like pulled meat in texture. The taste itself is delicious, however… can I even call this a sausage? I think not. 2/10 Disneyland was fab tho.”
God love the internet.
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