The increased prevalence of UFO sightings and evidence of alien existence these days can largely be attributed to the rise in technology, and in particular the internet, computers and smartphones.
Prior to this period of technological enlightenment, all people had to go on were third party accounts, news reports, and perhaps some grainy footage taken with cameras that by today’s standards were prehistoric.
Now, however, the truth about extraterrestrial life is closer to being revealed than ever before, thanks to the efforts of people who have schooled themselves in this ever-growing field of investigation.
One of those people who has been relentless in his pursuit of the truth using these 21st century tools is UFO and alien expert Scott Waring.
Waring’s efforts of late have mostly been focused on searching for evidence of alien life on the planet Mars. However, he also studies other areas of interest when it comes to extraterrestrial discovery, such as the arctic regions of Earth.
This week, Waring was scrutinizing Lavoisier Island on Google Earth when he discovered what he believes to be “proof of ancient aliens.”
“I was looking over an island in the Antarctic region when I came across a TR3B craft,” Waring wrote on his web site. “The triangle craft has a hump in the middle and a thicker edge with three sides. It looks metallic and it’s sitting in an area which appears to be the location of an ancient alien base. This craft was revealed after warm years had melted the ice and snow revealing the secret craft below. This is 100% evidence that aliens have lived on Earth long before humanity ever made cites.”
Commenters on a video where he describes his discovery were blown away.
“I really do feel that something strange and otherworldly is happening in that region of Antarctica,” wrote on viewer.
Another commenter took it several steps further, writing, “I think that NASA/JPL and associates all know that the ancient tri-shaped craft is there, Scott, but they don’t want to retrieve it because of possible regional geophysical land dangers that retrieval teams might encounter … not to mention the ‘Human Animal Hybrid Beings’ such as the alleged ‘Yeti aka Big Foot Creatures’ possibly inhabiting that region that they might encounter. Unless they brought with the retrieval team a battalion of special forces operatives and assorted hi-powered weaponry to fight, disable and/or kill them all off and away from the craft to be retrieved, which it seems, would be a waste of secret government money, materials and quite possibly mortal human lives!”
Are these people on to something? Will the government ever reveal what it knows and has been hiding for decades?
