Twitch Streamers Have A Fireworks War Inside Of A House And The Videos Are Wild


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The AMP house’s 4th of July fireworks war was absolutely insane.

For those that don’t know AMP (Any Means Possible”) group consists of popular Youtubers Din “Agent 00 Gaming,” Chris “ChrisNxtDoor,” Duke “Duke Dennis Gaming,” Davis “ImDavisss,” Roberto “JustFanum,” and Kai Cenat.

On Tuesday in honor of the Independence day, the group decided to have a huge fireworks war in their house.

We’ve compiled some of the craziest clips from the absolutely bonkers war.

Here’s some of the ammo brought into the house.

And the aftermath.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.