Will Smith Finally Apologizes To Chris Rock For Slapping Him And People Have Mixed Feelings About It

Will Smith Finally Apologizes To Chris Rock For Slapping Him And People Have Mixed Feelings About It

Getty Image / Neilson Barnard

It feels like a year has passed since Will Smith stormed the stage at the Academy Awards and slapped host Chris Rock across the face for disrespecting Will’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith. In actuality, it has barely been four months. The ‘Slap Heard Round The World’ occurred on March 27th! Time flies, doesn’t it?

After four months of laying relatively low, Will Smith is finally apologizing to Chris Rock and Rock’s family for the infamous slap. Will posted this apology video below and answers the question ‘why didn’t you apologize to Chris in your acceptance speech?’ He answers that question and then dives into a full-blown apology.

Will Smith Finally Apologizes To Chris Rock And His Family

Will Smith: “I was fogged out by that point. It’s all fuzzy. I’ve reached out to Chris and the message that came back is he’s not ready to talk and when he is he will reach out.”

“(Speaking now to Rock) So I will say to you, Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”

“I want to apologize to Chris’ mother. I saw an interview that Chris’s mother did and, you know, that was one of the things about that moment I just didn’t realize and I wasn’t thinking about how many people got hurt in that moment. So I want to apologize to Chris’s mother. I want to apologize to Chris’s family, specifically Tony Rock. You know, we had a great relationship. You know, Tony Rock was my man. And this is probably irreparable.”

“I spent the last three months replaying and understanding the nuances and the complexities of what happened in that moment. And I’m not going to try and unpack all of that right now. But I can say to all of you, there is no part of me that thinks that was the right way to behave in that moment. There’s no part of me that thinks that’s the optimal way to handle a feeling of disrespect or insults.”

He does go on to say more. He’s asked about Jada rolling her eyes and if she then asked Will to do something. You can watch the video for the rest but let’s see what fans are saying about the Will Smith-Chris Rock apology 4 months later.

Fans have mixed feelings about Will’s apology. Here’s what they’re saying…

I’m pretty sure Chris Rock and his family wouldn’t say ‘it’s all fine’. I don’t think they laughed.

Where have we seen this before…

It is. Every day that passed was another day too late.

‘Do people care’ says the person commenting on it… The irony…

This is a solid take:

Will Smith will be fine. Chris Rock will be fine. Their friendship probably won’t ever be reconciled. They’re too wealthy to come together just for money and publicity. It’s a burned bridge and it’ll take a minute before people can leave it at that.

Noticeably, Will Smith didn’t mention his own family when apologizing to Chris Rock’s family. He was sticking up for his wife and the mother of their children but his own family, friends, and colleagues dealt with the same blowback he did and I didn’t hear Will apologizing to the ones closest to him for the stress he put them through. Even if they agreed with his decision to stick up for his wife they still didn’t invite any of that media disrespect on themselves.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com