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The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe airs this Labor Day. The roast lineup is pretty interesting, consisting of head scratchers like Ann Coulter, Jewel, and Jimmy Carr. Since it was taped in advance, early reports indicate that Ann Coulter got the brunt of the vitriol–Peyton Manning reportedly skewered the conservative commenter with this zinger: “I’m not the only athlete up here. As you know earlier this year, Ann Coulter won the Kentucky Derby.”
Boom roasted.
David Spade recently revealed a couple jokes that he wrote about Peyton Manning that were cut from the final product for being too much.
“Peyton Manning has such a big head and no brain, he’s an inspiration to Zika babies everywhere.”
“Peyton and Eli are a lot like the Menendez brothers, except they both hit their targets.”
For those too young to remember, the Menendez brothers were rich pricks who gunned down their parents in the den of their parents in their Beverly Hills mansion. The father was shot dead from point blank range and the mother was shot multiple times while trying to escape.
It’s likely that joke was cut because only a small portion of the audience remembers has any idea who those dudes are.
Tune in at 10 p.m. (ET) Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5, on Comedy Central.
[h/t TMZ]