Holy Sh*t, If You Thought The ‘Deadpool’ Movie Was Funny, Wait Til You See This Uncensored Blooper Reel

You see the irony in my headline, right? Okay.

So… everyone is all fired up to finally be able to get a little Deadpool action in their own homes. Obviously, no one more so than Deadpool himself, as we saw earlier today.

So knowing all that, how does six minutes of completely uncensored outtakes and bloopers featuring Ryan Reynolds, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Morena Baccarin and Gina Carano, among others, sound? Sounds pretty fucking awesome to me. And it is.


This also reminded me of a video I saw a week ago or so that showed how much freaking work went into creating Deadpool’s mask. So if you’re as big a Deadpool fan as I am, and I assume that you are since you’re here, I figured you would find it as fascinating as I did.

Added bonus: here’s everything we know about Deadpool 2 so far…