Eminem headlined Lollapalooza Brazil on Saturday night and brought the goddamn house down when he came back onstage for an encore and performed the song ‘Fack’ live for the first time ever.
If you’re unfamiliar with the song, Mathers jokingly put it in his 2005 compilation Curtain Call: The Hits. It is 3 and a half minutes of Shady talking mostly in Cartman’s voice about cumming and squirting and some a few other high-brow topics. The opening lyrics are ‘Ah ah ah ahhh (Oh god damn)(Ooh) / I’m gonna fackin cum (Oh shit)(oh yeah) / Fack fack faack, (Fuck I am) (Ooh).’ Musically it is an absolute abomination. A steaming pile of corn-filled horse shit. An insult to anyone whose ever considered themselves to be musical professionals. Which is exactly why it is a masterpiece.
Eminem knows this. As Complex points out, Eminem mocks the song in ‘Shady XV’:
“And perform “Fack” in concert,
Yo, I put that shit on a greatest hits album
Now that was awesome
It takes some massive balls to do some shit like that.”
Yes, yes it did. What also takes some balls abandoning the song you typically play as an encore that went quintuple platinum and is one of the best hip hop songs of all-time (Lose Yourself), and performing a song about jizz.
Check out the raucous scene below.
God damn, Marshall. So you weren’t just trolling us last week with this post. Respect.
Here is the full song, accompanied with lyrics.
[h/t Complex]