SUPER SPOILER: Leaked Video Of Two ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Meeting Means BIG Things For Season 7

Game of Thrones fans are you ready?

Your moment you have been waiting for is coming.

Last week, filming for Season 7 of Game of Thrones took place on the beautiful islet of Gaztelugatxe in the Basque Country part of Spain.

Absolutely stunning right?

Well, some serious GoT plot twists just went down at this scenic locale. Some serious spoiler shit.

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Do you want to know the super anticipated spoiler is?

I know you do.

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Well, here we go.

Yes, that appears to be Jon Snow meeting Daenerys Targaryen.

All of your deepest GoT desires and curiosities are coming into fruition.

At the end of Season 6, the Queen of Dragons was leading her armada across the Narrow Sea and into Westeros. Looks like she will get to know her nephew and King in the North, Jon Snow.

Emilia Clarke released this telling photo from the set.

Want more leaked footage from the set? Here’s Tyrion Lannister and Davos with their dinghy.

Oh shit! Gendry is back! And it appears that he has his dad’s Warhammer and bludgeons the fuck outta these two chumps (3:40 mark).

Sadly, we have to wait until next summer for the penultimate season, which will only have seven episodes.

Is it summer yet?

How bout now?