Gigi Hadid Has Never Looked Sexier Than When Singing Backstreet Boys’ ‘Larger Than Life’ On ‘Lip Sync Battle’

Sometimes Lip Sync Battle hits, and sometimes it misses. Kaley Cuoco doing “Move Bitch” in a sports bra? Hit. Iggy Azalea doing…whatever she’s doing? Miss. Tom Cruise’s Top Gun duet, albeit not on Lip Sync Battle? Hit. Alison Brie doing Salt-N-Peppa? Obviously a hit.

As for Gigi Hadid…well first off, look at that leather jumpsuit. I wasn’t even paying attention to the song because I’ve heard it 10 million times and look at that goddamn leather jumpsuit. That’s hot.

Hit hit hit all the way, Gigi Hadid.