Bro Hero Jason Sudeikis Lost Weight By Having Lots of Sex with Olivia Wilde

Speaking of Olivia Wilde… In a new interview with Elle magazine, Sudeikis makes the Bro-tastic claim that his active  sex life with his fiancée, Olivia Wilde, is the reason behind why he’s in such great shape. Wilde’s already disclosed this, mentioning that they “have sex like Kenyan marathon runners.”Because without Wilde, J-Suds would just be sitting on the couch doing bong rips and pounding a bag of Pizza Combos.

“The truth is, I’m not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world And you don’t need a gym membership for that kind of workout.”

He adds:

“A lot of it comes from tiny things, like not eating barbecue sauce with my pizza at two in the morning,” he adds. “I think it’s all a manifestation of being happy and wanting to treat myself well.”

Here’s a few more quotables:

His college crush on Ellen DeGeneres: “It was 100 percent for real. It was the gorgeous blue eyes. And she’s hilarious. That’s all it takes for me.”

His love story with Olivia: “I mean, what better story than meeting the girl of your dreams, sweeping her off her feet, and then being strong enough to carry her out? That’s my story.”

Which is scarier, “SNL” or first-time sex? “Probably sex. [Laughs] I wasn’t as concerned that my parents were going to walk in in the middle of my first sketch. There are security guards there. That’s a big part of it.”

When’s the wedding? “Maybe next spring. We have jobs lined up. Our friends work in the business. We have to find a perfect venue. It starts there. The where is first, then the when and the who. The why and what we have on lockdown.”

I think this calls for a mandatory Olivia Wilde GIF party time. CLICK ON THE GIFS for more:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: