Katt Williams Calls Kevin Hart A ‘Puppet’ And Implied He Needed To ‘Suck A D*ck’ For Fame During Stand-Up Set


Kevin Hart likely isn’t invited to Katt Williams’ 45rd birthday party.

Katt Williams is touring the country as a part of his Conspiracy Theory tour and took a comedic detour Saturday night while performing in Philips Arena in Atlanta.

Williams mentioned Kevin Harts name in a joke and heard an audible boo from a member of the audience. Katt defended Hart by tearing him a new orifice, calling him a ‘puppet’ and questioning the authenticity of his career.

The transcript of the evisceration, courtesy of Uproxx:

“I’ve already proven that if the best they got in comedy is Kevin Hart than — don’t you boo a black man working hard, baby. Even if that n****’s a puppet, it’s not his fault. We don’t get mad. Just because I’m better than some black dudes doesn’t mean I’m better than no black dudes. I’m saying if you want to be mad at Kermit The Frog, don’t be mad at Kermit The Front. Be mad at Jim Henson. Don’t say, ‘F*ck Donald Duck” when you really mean, ‘F*ck Walt Disney.’

I don’t care nothing that happens to Kevin [Hart], I just wish him the best. I just know that that’s somebody’s hand stuck up that baby, you understand. Oh, we’re a puppet show, boo boo. Please believe it. You’re looking at the only n**** that ain’t.

So, since I’ve already officially proven to myself that I really am who Richard Pryor passed his torch to, and that I was able to do it without letting a man suck my d*ck, or sucking a man’s d*ck. I walked in with a virgin a**hole, I walked out with a virgin a**hole. I got the same soul today that I had when I did Pimp Chronicles all the way to the end of Pimp Chronicles.”


This isn’t the first time Williams has taken shots at the 36-year-old fellow comedian. In July of 2014, Williams took full credit for paving the way for Hart and “told Kevin Hart’s people how to make him Kevin Hart.”

The ball is in Hart’s court. Two heavyweight comedians exchanging jabs publicly–this has all the ingredients to become very interesting.

[h/t Uproxx]

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Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.