Hey, did you hear? Game of Thrones is back. Season 7 started up on Sunday night. Oh, right, you probably already knew that based on the over 2.4 million tweets that were sent out about the show. It was the most-tweeted about episode of Game of Thrones ever and HBO Go freaking crashed, so yeah, you knew.
Anyway, if you haven’t watched the season 7 premiere yet then I have some spoilers coming up that you may or may not want to read so here’s a random Game of Thrones GIF just so you don’t accidentally see something you don’t want to see.
[protected-iframe id=”0abc845980ead6aea81eee94feb635f8-97886205-92827192″ info=”https://giphy.com/embed/xUPGcqtdLxVtwRgn8A” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
Okay, we all good now? Solid. Back to the season 7 premiere and in particular that wild opening scene that everyone was so blown away by Sunday night. So what did you think of Arya Stark taking SO MANY people from House of Frey? Pretty nuts, right?
Well, Maisie Williams, AKA Arya Stark also thought so when she spoke to Entertainment Weekly at the premiere screening last week…
“It’s so fucked up!” Williams says. “Even Arya is surprised she has so much power. In that last moment she’s staring out at all those men dying, she’s turned into a bit more of a monster than she’s ever realized. I don’t think she’s sad about that but she’s got it on her mind.”
When Arya Stark commit a mass murder: #GoTS7#GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/k8R6yrliT8
— Lynette Jenkins (@lynette12356) July 17, 2017
Williams also told EW, “When I heard first heard about the Faceless Men, I always thought it would be really cool if she switched faces with a leading character rather than an unknown person’s face. I really hope [viewers] don’t guess it’s her straight away.”
So did you know?
Williams also has some ideas for how season 8, the show’s last, could come to an end…
“I’ve always had this fantasy in the back of my head — I don’t think it’s a good ending and fans might not like it — but that somebody would sit on the Iron Throne at the end and then they whip their face off and it’s Arya instead,” she says. “I’ve always had that dream.”
What do you think? Would you like that ending? Do you want a little more of this?
things arya stark did: T H A T pic.twitter.com/EauEJkRDAQ
— Virginia (@jaimelsnnister) July 17, 2017
H/T E! Online