Wasted Shirtless Dude Loses Hard-Fought Battle Against Gravity

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a drunk fall develop this slowly. Everyone saw this coming for about 45 seconds before he actually hit the ground, but as hard as he tried, poor dude couldn’t do anything to stop it.

His body appears to be fighting a battle that his brain just wants no part of. His brain went to sleep hours ago, and basically told his body “Sorry, bro, you’re on your own.” The body, being the body, always wants to do everything in its power not to hurt itself. Years of conditioning teaches our bodies that slamming awkwardly onto the ground is not good for it, so this man’s body tries its darndest to prevent that from happening, but sadly, it’s too little too late.

I honestly kinda feel like I know what this guy’s going through, as this was pretty much what I looked like when I made the ill-advised decision to watch Oscar-winning silent movie “The Artist.” I knew that I needed to stay awake because it was supposedly a great movie, but my brain just wanted no part of life anymore, and forced me to completely zonk out.