I’ve been known to play the lottery from time-to-time under the guise of ‘well, at least it’s going to education,’ and holy crap do I feel stupid right about now.
On Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, last night he took on the lottery and the fools that play it. Some of the stats he threw out were absolutely staggering. For instance, in 2013 Americans spent $68,000,000,000 on the lottery. That’s $68 billion with a B. More Americans spent money on the lottery than “movie tickets, music, porn, the NFL, MLB, and video games COMBINED.”
So sit back and watch as John Oliver absolutely destroy your hopes and dreams of ever winning the lottery. As he says ‘the lottery is in the business of selling people hope, and they do a great job of that’
“Winning the mega millions is akin to getting struck by lightning at the same time you’re being eaten by a shark”…Hey, f*ck you guy. There’s a hard-working American winning that lottery every week, and I’m not seeing too many people getting struck by lightning while being eaten by a shark. Find a better analogy dammit.
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