Dave Matthews Stops A Rando Fan To Ask Where He Can Go Boozing, Continues To Be A Bro King

Getty Image/James Devaney

Kind of crazy to sit back and think that Bros in white hats with college names on it have been chillin’ to the breezy vocals of Dave Matthews for over 20 years. Where has time gone? How has a fifth of a century passed since Dave Matthews sang “Ants Marching” on Dave Letterman? We’re gettin’ old, Bros.

Fortunately, Dave Matthews is still Broin’ with the best of us. In Atlanta on Monday, he spotted a fan with a Fire Dancer sticker on the back of her SUV. He was feeling thirsty, so he hit her up about where a man could get a drink around here. Via TMZ:

Matthews pulled over a DMB fan stopped in standstill traffic near his hotel on Monday. Apparently, he spotted the band’s signature sticker on her SUV.

The unsuspecting superfan says she heard a tap on the window, looked left and screamed … “Holy s**t!! Dave Matthews’ face is in my car window!” She immediately pulled over, ’cause y’know … it was FREAKIN’ DAVE!

She asked for a pic, Dave obliged … and then the “Crash” singer asked her for a favor — point me to a decent watering hole. She sent him to a joint called Article 14.

TMZ has the selfie. Dave Matthews will always be the chillest rockstar to ever chill. Stay chill, Dave.

Now let’s watch a real bitchin’ version of DMB doing “Recently” at Farm Aid.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com