Close Your Eyes, Listen To This Bro From Long Island Sing, And You’ll Swear You Are Listening To Frank Sinatra

I don’t watch America’s Got Talent, ever, like not even if my only TV choices are watching C-SPAN or America’s Got Talent. Just last week I belabored about my extreme distaste for Nick Cannon, but after watching the clip above of Long Island native Sal Valentinetti singing Frank Sinatra I’m sitting here wondering what other amazing displays of talent I’m missing by not watching AGT.

Seriously, if you close your eyes while listening to Sal Valentinetti sing Frank Sinatra you might actually believe that someone’s put Frank’s music on YouTube. This dude’s voice is a dead ringer for Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, who contrary to popular belief actually hails from Hoboken, New Jersey and wasn’t a born and raised New Yorker. Instead Frank Sinatra grew up across the river, marveling at the big bright lights of Manhattan, and this unique perspective is part of the reason that Frank Sinatra was able to sing so eloquently about the Big Apple.

I can’t speak for Sal Valentinetti’s relationship with New York City, and I’ve only been to Long Island about a dozen or so times, but if this bro teams up with a crack team of song writers methinks he has the vocal chops to be the next great lounge singer of Long Island…don’t you?

Changing gears a little bit, I want to make sure that ALL OF YOU know about the all new BroBible iOS app that was launched last week. It’s 100% free to download and it’s the latest/greatest way to get all of your BroBible content, so DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE BY CLICKING HERE!


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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at