Kayne West has managed to do exactly what he set out to do in his new music video Famous: amass insane publicity while pissing a lot of people off. The video, which was inspired by a piece of art titled “Sleep” by American painter Vincent Desiderio, shows a bed full of sleeping naked famous people, centered around Kanye and Kim Kardashian.
Taylor Swift is snuggly positioned right at the side of Ye. Also in the bed is Rihanna, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, Amber Rose, Ray J, George Bush and Chris Brown. It is unclear on whether the nude celebs are made from wax statues or CGI recreations, but they look pretty damn anatomically accurate.
Taylor Swift has reason to be the most offended by the video, seeing as she lay directly next to Kayne and the song contains the now infamous lyrics, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. I made that bitch famous.”
A source close to Taylor told Hollywood Life that the pop star is irate with her portrayal in the now ubiquitous music video.
‘Taylor is furious after seeing Kanye’s video. She feels like she’s been assaulted.
She knew he was unpredictable but didn’t think he would go so far. She’s strategizing with her team as to what her next move should be.
She’s weighing all her options and will then respond accordingly. Just writing a song dissing him isn’t enough payback for something like this.”
It’s hard to imagine happy-go-lucky T-Swift responding to Kayne with anything but kindness and a litter of puppies, but if she finds a way to one-up Kayne and cut him down to size, my adoration of her will grow exponentially. It’s time for Taylor Swift to stop loving and start fighting. Let the claws come out baby, give the people what they want! SPILL THE BLOOD!
And hop to it, Kanye is already preparing for battle.
You can see the NSFW video HERE on Tidal.
P.S. Props to our own Paul Sacca for this fire take on Bush.
[h/t Hollywood Life]