Ethics Policy


BroBible is dedicated to creating and publishing content of the highest standard in the sports and culture journalism ecosystem. BroBible prides itself in bias-free news coverage that never supports the spread of misinformation, political or otherwise

BroBible ensures that it keeps updating its policies and procedures to keep up with the ever-changing online media landscape.

Code of Ethics:

These guidelines apply to all members of our staff whose work directly affects the website content. They include writers and editors.

  • Writers and editors shall maintain the neutrality of tone in matters of politics and government, and adhere to stringent internal standards.
  • We do not promote or support hate speech or violence. BroBible expects its writers and editors to censor curse words or tone down violent action or speech, where appropriate.
  • Our editorial team follows publishing guidelines presented to them at time of hire. These guidelines include usages rights around images, anonymous sources, and the use of copyrighted content that is not owned by BroBible.

Other Behavioral Conduct that applies to all members of the BroBible team:

  • At BroBible we have a strict confidentiality policy. Our employees are not to disclose or exploit any confidential information acquired at work.
  • Over the last decade, BroBible has worked to build its credibility and reputation as a sports and culture news reporting website. Our employees must not do anything that will damage the reputation of BroBible and our partners.
  • Employee safety is of utmost importance to us. We also observe and uphold the company’s policies against harassment, even in the digital hemisphere.

BroBible believes all differences in views find common ground on an amicable discussion, almost without exception. Nevertheless, BroBible strictly views any deliberate violation of these guidelines as a serious offense and shall lead to disciplinary action.

BroBible reserves the right to modify and expand the guidelines from time to time, as appropriate.

Protecting the Neutrality:

BroBible acknowledges the importance of neutral reporting in the media hemisphere. To ensure this, we have stringent rules in place, where our publishing goes through stringent editorial review.

We respect the interests of our readers/viewers and adhere to the values around not furnishing biased content. It is part of our core ethics that we never speak ill about any individual/entity on the basis of their nationality, color, religion, sex, political inclination etc.

We admittedly do cover opinionated pieces on our platform, but none with an aim to distort facts or claim things outlandish in nature, that can demean anyone.


On a daily basis, BroBible creates over 60 pieces of content about celebrities/sporting individuals/entities. Our articles make use of various types of images and audio-visual content. At all times, we strive to uphold the Intellectual Property rights held by others and shall appropriately use the fair-use exception granted to us in the Editorial hemisphere.

We are very strict on checking plagiarism and enforcing a thumb rule of no copying of others’ content.

When covering an interview or another piece of non-BroBible original content, BroBible gives proper credit to the source of information. In no condition, do we release a quote or statistical information or a claim without citation to an authentic and verified source.