It’s getting dumb how many smart devices we have, but this one – the world’s first smart bottle opener – called “Bottle Opener X”, or BOx, will keep you social in the moment without having to be asocial by picking up your smartphone to message your drinkin’ buddies. What? Exactly. Here’s a video explaining how it works…
We’ve seen the discreet keychain bottle opener, the credit card bottle opener, flip flop bottle opener, and the rugby player who got his tooth knocked out of his face only to be replaced by a friggin’ bottle opener. But, a smart bottle opener that only requires one hand? I can see the appeal.
Not sure how I feel about it needing a battery, though. Would be dope if you could use it to charge your phone or use your phone’s charger to charge it as well, but I guess I’m gettin’ greedy.
Why would you want to notify your friends about your drinking habits / problems? Some might it call that “a cry for help”, I call it “a rallying cry”. There’s nothing more convincing for a bro to mow through brews with his crew then the sound of a bottle opening. If the message sent to your buds DOESN’T have that sound effect, then what are we doing here? Seriously.
The best part has to be the leaderboard. Of course, the makers deny that this encourages irresponsible drinking, but they have to. As stated on the Kickstarter, the device and app might take off with bar owners to show that their watering hole is the place to place your face.
You can pledge to the BOx Kickstarter project, which has 347 backers and more than $15,000 collected of their $17,000+ goal. The product should be available September 2016, just in time for another epic college year to begin.
It’s already been featured by The Verge, New York Magazine, Digital Trends, Curbed, Popular Mechanics, Yahoo, MSN, SBTV, and many more. Kinda pissed we haven’t received one to test out yet.
Via Daily Dot, Bottle Opener X